TOPTEAM’s Attorney Provides Patent Search and Drafting skill Training Sessions for Graduate Students in NCKU 

TOPTEAM has recently worked with the Biomedical Engineering department of the National Cheng Kung University in two workshops focused on patent search strategy and patent claim drafting.

The techniques shared and ideas discussed during the workshops are particularly useful for researchers to better understand the value of their research in terms of patenting new ideas.   Each workshop, delivered as part of a graduate school course “Innovative Medical Device Patent and Regulatory Strategy management”, includes a 3 hour lecture and a following 3 hour group exercise session. 

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經濟部智慧財產局近期公開2018年工作成果,根據年報統計,發明專利申請方面,全年 41,991件實體審查,結案 39,528 件,初審首次通知平均需時 8.7 個月,審結平均需時 14 個月,審查效率穩步提升,已然超越歐美紀錄。設計專利申請方面,初審首次通知平均需時 6.1 個月 ,審結平均需時 7.4 個月,維持近年穩定水準。

According to the annual report newly released by TIPO (Taiwan Intellectual Property Office), there were 41,991 requests for substantive examination of invention patent applications and 39,528 disposals of them in 2018. The yearly average disposal pendency was down to 14 months for invention patents and 8.7 months for a first office action. Both have hit a ten-year low and outperformed the current records in the US and the EU.

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左起隆天事務所律師郁舜、合夥人吳滌女士、張梅珍女士、洪燕博士、鄭泰強董事長(右四 )、本所吳珮琪(右五)及顏錦順副所長、林佳慧及曾靜芝律師

Cross-Strait Exchange Seminar on Trademark and Patent Practices

Boosted by government policies, the number of valid registered trademarks in China grows fast and is now close to 15 million. That also brings along challenges such as trademark squatting, confusing similarity among other issues for trademark owners. As for patent prosecution and enforcement, any company with an expanded market reach or with an increase in patenting activities may find strategic thinking has become crucial in the face of the baffling complexity of patent protection.

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