新南向智財研討會 六國產官專家齊聚台北

經濟部智慧局與專利師公會攜手,共同主辦「2019年 新南向智慧財產研討會」,邀請四國智慧局專家、及六國專利代理人來台,就各國專利法制、審查要點、專利申請與權利保護的落實等焦點議題,提供精闢介紹及面對面實務交流。

TIPO (The Intellectual Property Office) and TWPAA (Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association) organized a seminar on “IP Landscape in New Southbound Countries” and invited the intellectual property office officials and patent attorneys, from Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and India, to give incisive introductions to the current patent system each country, including application requirements, patent examination practices, the time limit for OA response, patent term, IP enforcement systems, etc.

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