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原則上, 姓氏使用於商品或服務,通常只是用以表示業主的姓氏,在競爭同業使用相同的姓氏時,相關消費者即無法藉由姓氏識別來源,且從競爭角度觀之,相同姓氏的競爭同業不論其進入市場的時間先後,均有自由使用自己姓氏的需要,因此申請人以姓氏作為商標,不具識別性, 申請人應證明商標在經其交易使用後已取得後天識別性,始得准予註冊(商 29Ⅱ )。

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Cooling-off period for trademarks

Cooling-off period is a period that both parties can negotiate for a settlement in the opposition stage. In practice, the purpose is to restrict the other party’s designated goods / services covered by the application during the negotiation. However, Taiwan does not have such provisions, but can file a request to postpone the examination of an opposition application based on the ongoing settlement. Herewith we summarized the relevant rules of cooling-off period in EU, UK, and Australia, and similar procedures in Taiwan.

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