英國脫歐在即:歐盟商標 (EUTMs)、設計 (RCDs) 權利影響一覽


本文聚焦英國商標與設計專利相關〈Trade marks and design if there’s no Brexit deal〉的近期更新內容。

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2018 台灣專利百大榜:台積、高通、SEL、工研院拔得頭籌


According to newly released government statistics, TSMC has been ranked No. 1 in residents’ patent applications with 944 cases, for three straight years since 2016, and No.1 in residents’ patent grants with 430 patents for the first time in 2018. As for non-residents’ patent activities, Qualcomm Inc took the first place with 1,011 applications and SEL (Semiconductor Energy Labor) with 474 grants.

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左起冠群陳怡安副理、吳珮琪副所長 、Kim&Chang律師 Duck Soon Chang、HL 資深律師 Michael Conwey、Dr. Daniel Chew、BSKB 資深合夥人 Robert Kenny、徐振康律師、Michael Smith律師、林佳慧律師、謝沛肴副理

冠群 – 臺美歐三區聯合講座:美國商標之合理商業使用要件、EPO 審查標準調整、英國脫歐影響及台灣著名商標判例

11月28日冠群邀請美英知名智財事務所 Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch, LLP (BSKB)、及 Haseltine Lake LLP (HL)的專家共同參與台美歐三區聯合講座,分別就台灣著名商標的訴訟判例、美國商標之商業使用要件、英國脫歐對歐洲商標與設計專利的影響、以及歐洲專利審查指南修訂情況等主題,給予精闢介紹及實務建議。

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From 2019 on, China’s Supreme Court will hear appeals on IP lawsuits involving strong technical background, covering IP right disputes on invention patent, utility model patent, new varieties of plants, layout design of integrated circuits, technical secret, computer software, anti-trust, etc. 

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2018年11月7日德國PATENTSHIP 事務所主持律師Dr. Robert Klinski 受邀至本所, 就EPO(歐洲專利局)目前審查績效制度對歐洲專利審查的影響,發表主題講座,並就實務上可能遭遇的問題,分享其多年累積的專業經驗。

On November 7, Dr. Robert Klinski, the Managing Director of PATENTSHIP Patentanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, was invited to share his observation on how EPO’s internal KPI system might have impacted the European Application Process and Result. He also gave applicants and agents valuable advice on how to avoid unwanted situations during the process.

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Hands-on Workshop: Overcome Rejections Under 35 U.S.C. §103

Compared with the non-obviousness (inventive step) requirement for patentability in other countries, the 35 U.S.C. §103 determines obviousness in its own unique way. Quintero explained the legal and practical frameworks of obviousness rejections, in simple language, as well as the practical framework of response to obviousness rejections, and common errors or pitfalls in responses to obviousness rejections.

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