TIPO’s 2018 Annual Report:14 Months for Total Pendency, 8.7 months for First Action

According to the annual report newly released by TIPO (Taiwan Intellectual Property Office), there were 41,991 requests for substantive examination of invention patent applications and 39,528 disposals of them in 2018. The yearly average disposal pendency was down to 14 months for invention patents and 8.7 months for a first office action. Both have hit a ten-year low and outperformed the current records in the US and the EU.

As for design patent applications, the average pendency for a first office action and for disposal were 6.1 months and 7.4 months respectively, showing a stable trend.

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經濟部智慧財產局近期公開2018年工作成果,根據年報統計,發明專利申請方面,全年 41,991件實體審查,結案 39,528 件,初審首次通知平均需時 8.7 個月,審結平均需時 14 個月,審查效率穩步提升,已然超越歐美紀錄。設計專利申請方面,初審首次通知平均需時 6.1 個月 ,審結平均需時 7.4 個月,維持近年穩定水準。

According to the annual report newly released by TIPO (Taiwan Intellectual Property Office), there were 41,991 requests for substantive examination of invention patent applications and 39,528 disposals of them in 2018. The yearly average disposal pendency was down to 14 months for invention patents and 8.7 months for a first office action. Both have hit a ten-year low and outperformed the current records in the US and the EU.

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韓「營業秘密」保護升級:放寬秘密要件 + 擴大究責範圍 +加重民刑責 + 三倍懲罰性賠償

韓國國會 2018 年 12 月通過 《專利法》修法的同時,也通過《不正競爭防止及營業秘密保護法》修法,除了同步導入懲罰性賠償制度,考量營業秘密所有人提告過程遭遇的實務困境,一併放寬了營業秘密的成立要件、擴大究責範圍、並加重民事與刑事罰則,從而為營業秘密提供更完善保護,尤其是協助中小企業抵禦大型企業的技術掠奪。

《不正競爭防止及營業秘密保護法(Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act)》(以下簡稱UCPA)將於 2019 年 7 月 9 日正式生效,相關條款適用於生效後產生的營業秘密侵害案件,不能溯及既往。

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EPO 2018:專利申請 ↑5%、發證 ↑21%、積案 ↓三成

歐洲專利局 (EPO) 2019年3月12日發布了《2018年年報 (Annual Report 2018)》,內容顯示去年 EPO 總計收到174,317 筆歐洲專利 (EP) 申請 ,較 2017 年成長4.6%,續創歷史新高,專利申請數增加最快的,來自生命科學、生技及製藥領域,平均年成長率達13%。

若以第一專利申請人的居住地 (the country of residence of the first applicant listed on the application form) 來看,近半數 (47%) 申請來自歐洲專利組織 (European Patent Organisation) 38個會員國,其中德國以 26,734 筆 (15%) 申請獨占鰲頭,遙遙領先排名居次的法國 10,317 筆 (6%) 、瑞士 7,927 筆 (5%)。德國專利申請數年增幅 (4.7%) 為 10 年來最高,主要歸功於汽車相關(如感測器、量測裝置)產業的蓬勃發展。

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2018 台灣專利百大榜:台積、高通、SEL、工研院拔得頭籌


According to newly released government statistics, TSMC has been ranked No. 1 in residents’ patent applications with 944 cases, for three straight years since 2016, and No.1 in residents’ patent grants with 430 patents for the first time in 2018. As for non-residents’ patent activities, Qualcomm Inc took the first place with 1,011 applications and SEL (Semiconductor Energy Labor) with 474 grants.

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TSMC, Qualcomm, SEL Lead the Patent Rankings 2018 in Taiwan

According to newly released government statistics in Taiwan, TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) has been ranked No. 1 in residents’ patent applications with 944 cases, for three straight years since 2016, and No.1 in residents’ patent grants with 430 patents for the first time in 2018. As for non-residents’ patent activities, Qualcomm Inc took the first place with 1,011 applications and SEL (Semiconductor Energy Labor) with 474 grants.

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