Legal 500 2024 法律500強評鑑:冠群保持業界最高等級


TOPTEAM Keeps Tier 1 Ranking in Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2024

  英國著名 Legal 500 《法律500強》評鑑的亞太區 (Asia Pacific 2024) 年度評比出爐,冠群保持「智財保護-專利申請」類台灣區 Tier 1 (最高等級)事務所的紀錄,這是冠群 2013 年參與評鑑以來,連續11年獲得最高肯定。另在台灣區「智財保護綜合類」評比方面,冠群亦取得 Tier 2 評等的佳績 。

In the newly released 2024 edition of the Legal 500 Asia Pacific guide, TOPTEAM has kept its “Tier 1 ” record in the “Intellectual Property – Patent Prosecution, Taiwan” category. Our firm has held the top tier ranking for the 11th consecutive year since 2013. TOPTEAM is also included in the “Intellectual Property” ranking for the 2nd time, holding the “Tier 2” position. 

  對於本所整體表現,《法律500強》著墨於冠群結合不同技術和法律背景的全方面專業服務 —包括與專利申請、商標侵權和智慧財產組合策略相關之專業知識。個別專家評鑑方面,Legal 500 今年持續推薦本所洪澄文所長及其團隊核心領導成員,包括專利領域的陳彩琪專利師吳珮琪專利師,法務暨商標部翁林瑋首席律師。其中,吳珮琪專利師亦名列年度傑出人物 (Leading Individual),她已連續5年獲得此殊榮。

Regarding the overall performance of our firm, the guide places a spotlight on the comprehensive professional services provided by TOPTEAM, which integrate diverse technologies and legal backgrounds; including patent prosecution, trademark infringement, and IP portfolio strategies.  For individual expert assessment, Legal 500 continues to recommend our firm’s president, Henry Hong and key leadership members of the team this year, including Patent Attorneys Jessica Chen and Peggy Wu in the patent filed, as well as Principle Attorney at Law, Lydia Wong from the Legal and Trademark Department. Especially, Patent Attorney Peggy Wu is also recognized as the Leading Individual of the year.She has earned the title for the 5th year in a row.

Legal 500 自1987年起投入法律事務所的評鑑工作,目前涵蓋超過150個國家 / 地區。該機構以完備且持續調整的市場研究方案、以及一系列足以鑑別服務水準的評比標準,彙整分析所取得的產業資訊–包括全球各地30萬筆客戶回饋意見、事務所提供資料、同業訪談等內容。因而,每年發布的事務所及專家客觀的評鑑結果,能夠提供有法律服務需求的企業機構與個人,極有價值的參考材料。本所受到肯定也感到榮幸。

The Legal 500 assesses the strengths and capabilities of law firms in over 150 jurisdictions since 1987, with a comprehensive research program refined every year.  It compiles its yearly rankings through a series of criteria, able to highlight whether and how a team provides clients the most cutting edge and innovative legal services. The ranking research is based on feedback from 300,000 clients worldwide, submissions from law firms and interviews with leading private practice lawyers, and a team of researchers who have unrivaled experience in the legal market. Our firm is honored to be recognized and awarded by Legal 500.

Chambers AP & Global 2021 法律服務指南:冠群名列首選台灣專利商標所之一

Chambers AP & Globe 2021: TOPTEAM Ranked “Band 1″ Patent & Trade Mark Agents

English Version

知名法律服務評鑑機構 Chambers and Partners 近月發布了法律事務所評鑑《2021 年度亞太區指南 (Chambers Asia Pacific 2021)》 及《 2021 年度全球指南 (Chambers Asia Pacific 2021) 》,其中「智慧財產:專利及商標事務所」類別的台灣區評比,冠群延續 Band 1(首選)佳績,所長洪澄文、副所長吳珮琪分別名列「資深事務所領導人 ( Senior Statespeople) 」及「 Band 1 首選專家」,本所專利部資深經理童敏昌二度獲評「 Band 2 優選專家」。冠群自2012年參與 Chambers and Partners 評鑑以來,成績保持領先同業。    

In the 2021 edition of the Chambers and Partner Guides, Top Team International Patent and Trademark Office (TOPTEAM) is once again ranked the “Band 1” Patent & Trademark Agent in Taiwan. Our firm has held the record for 10 years running. What is more, our president Henry Hong is named as one of the “Senior Statespeople” for the first time, following the “Eminent Practitioner” title since 2017. Our managing director Peggy Wu has been a “Band 1” expert since 2018 and senior technical manager Nick Tung, the “Band 2” expert, for the consecutive second year. 

評鑑介紹冠群:「在智財保護與布局規劃的服務領域表現突出,尤其是跨國專利與商標申請,專精特長包括設計專利相關事務,代理日本及台灣客戶的經驗豐富眾所周知,擅長技術領域包括生命科學、工程及高科技。」本所洪澄文所長也因其多年累積的雄厚經歷與業界名望,在前三年 Eminent Practitioners (傑出從業人物)評等的基礎上,今年入選為 Senior Statespeople;吳珮琪副所長、童敏昌資深經理則分別基於生醫與半導體等多元領域、以及機械與工業設計等專業的突出表現,被評為 Band 1 及 Band 2 專家。 

TOPTEAM has been described as “known for Standout group of experts offering advice on IP protection and portfolio management matters. Particularly well regarded in cross-border patent prosecution and trade mark work, including specific expertise concerning design patent prosecution. Notable experience representing Japanese and Taiwanese clients in a range of sectors, including life sciences, engineering and technology.” What is more, our president Henry Hong is named in the “Senior Statespeople” for his longstanding reputation for assisting clients on patent, trade mark prosecution work and IP strategy developments. Our managing director Peggy Wu is credited as a “Band 1 Lawyer” with her diverse patent prosecution practices and deep expertise in life sciences-related IP. Nick Tung, our senior technology manager, is recognized as a “Band 2 lawyer”, for his considerable patent prosecuting experience in the mechanical and consumer device sectors. 

Chambers and Partners 的法律事務所的業務評鑑始於1990年,每年評鑑結果可說是國內外一流企業與機構選擇法律服務時的重要依據。評鑑方法是彙整事務所資料、產業消息、與客戶回饋意見,將各地各領域的法律服務機構及專家,執業的專業度與經驗 (Technical legal ability) 、職業操守 (Professional conduct)、客戶服務( Client service) 、商業敏覺度 (Commercial astuteness)、嚴謹與負責度 (Diligence-Commitment) 及其他客戶重視的服務品質(例如服務團隊的人力素質、能否節約客戶時間花費等創新管理機制…)等面向逐一評量。 

Chambers & Partners is one of the most prestigious ranking directories in the legal industry worldwide. It has been identifying the best law firms and lawyers since 1990. Its directory guides now cover 200-plus countries and serve as a credible reference for practitioners, corporate counsels, in-house legal departments, and legal service buyers and suppliers. Chambers’s research team collects market data from firm submissions and interviews with clients, practitioners, as well as competitors. The intelligence gathered is then used to assess individuals’ performance in crucial service dimensions: technical legal ability, professional conduct, client service, commercial astuteness, diligence-commitment, and other qualities most valued by the clients.

評鑑結果 Ranking Results by Band 1~ Band 6

事務所與專家的評鑑結果分為六級,Band 1 為最高等級、依序而下到 Band 6;個人評鑑並就非常資深且頗孚眾望的產業指標專家,選出退居二線但仍深具重要性的 Senior Statesperson(資深事務所領導人)、業界影響力深遠的 Eminent Practitioners (傑出從業者)、及個別領域久負盛名的「業界之星 (Star)」。2021年度亞太區30個國家地區總計4,136 個事務所(或法律部門)納入評鑑,個人評鑑涵蓋相同地區的 7,443位律師及專利師;評鑑研究團隊並匯整分析其他地區的評鑑資料,以產生全球餘200個國家地區值得推薦的事務所名單。 

Based on the assessment’s outcome, law firms and individual practitioners are ranked in bands from 1 (highest) to 6 (lowest). For exceptional individuals, there are further categories like the “Senior Statesperson”, the “Eminent Practitioners”, and the “star” to better reflect their pivotal influence in the field. This latest edition of the Chambers AP guide ranked 3,703 departments of law firms  and 7,443 lawyers and IP attorneys in 30 jurisdictions. The market intelligence gathered during the research process would also generate the Global Ranking Table which reflects the top lawyers and law firms in over 200 jurisdictions across the world. 


Legal 500 2021 法律500強評鑑:冠群保持業界最高等級

TOPTEAM Keeps Tier 1 Ranking in Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021

English Version

英國著名 Legal 500 《法律500強》評鑑的亞太區 (Asia Pacific 2021) 年度評比出爐,冠群保持「智財保護-專利申請」類台灣區 Tier 1 (最高等級)事務所的紀錄,這是冠群 2013 年參與評鑑以來,連續 8 年獲得最高肯定。另在台灣區「智財保護綜合類」評比方面,冠群亦取得 Tier 2 評等的佳績 。

In the newly released 2021 edition of the Legal 500 Asia Pacific guide, TOPTEAM has kept its “Tier 1 ” record in the “Intellectual Property – Prosecution, Taiwan” category. Our firm has held the top tier ranking for the 8th consecutive year since 2013. TOPTEAM is also included in the “Intellectual Property” ranking for the 2nd time, holding the “Tier 2” position. 

對於本所整體表現,《法律500強》著墨冠群的跨國專利申請服務 — 在高科技業的專業表現,尤其是半導體、製藥、能源、化學、軟體及 IT 等產業的服務。個別專家評鑑方面,Legal 500 今年持續推薦本所洪澄文所長及其團隊核心領導成員,包括專利部顏錦順副所長陳彩琪資深經理童敏昌資深經理,專利程序部吳珮琪副所長王美純資深經理,法務部與商標部翁林瑋首席律師。其中,吳珮琪亦名列年度傑出人物 (Leading Individual)。

The guide placed a  spotlight on the firm’s patent drafting and international patent prosecution performance supporting clients in high-tech industries, including pharmaceuticals, energy, chemicals, and software and IT.  Legal 500 recommends our president Henry Hong and senior managers, including managing director Jonathan Yen and Peggy Wu, Senior Tech Manager Jessica Chen and Nick Tung, Senior Executive Manager Mei-Chun Wang and Principle Attorney at Law Lydia Wong. The guide as well recognizes Peggy Wu as the Leading Individual of the year. She has earned the title for the 3rd year in a row.

Legal 500 自1987年起投入法律事務所的評鑑工作,目前涵蓋超過150個國家 / 地區。該機構以完備且持續調整的市場研究方案、以及一系列足以鑑別服務水準的評比標準,彙整分析所取得的產業資訊–包括全球各地30萬筆客戶回饋意見、事務所提供資料、同業訪談等內容。因而,每年發布的事務所及專家的評鑑結果,能夠提供有法律服務需求的企業機構與個人,極有價值的參考材料。

The Legal 500 assesses the strengths and capabilities of law firms in over 150 jurisdictions, with a comprehensive research program refined every year.  It compiles its yearly rankings through a series of criteria, able to highlight whether and how a team provides clients the most cutting edge and innovative legal services. The ranking research is based on feedback from 300,000 clients worldwide, submissions from law firms and interviews with leading private practice lawyers, and a team of researchers who have unrivaled experience in the legal market.

Reference :

IP Star 評鑑:冠群保持同業領先地位

Top Team Ranked “Tier 1” IP Star

Managing Intellectual property(2019) 《智慧財產權管理》雜誌 IP Stars 評鑑

權威智財雜誌 Managing Intellectual Property 《知識財產權管理》6月公布年度評鑑 IP Star的最新結果,在專利申請業務領域的台灣區評比,冠群連續第6年名列 Tier 1 (最高等級)事務所。

For the sixth year in a row, Top Team has been ranked “Tier 1” by Managing Intellectual Property IP STARS for its “Patent prosecution” practice in Taiwan and overseas.  

2018年版 IP Star 研究編輯,以「可靠、積極且提供高品質服務的事務所」形容本所,並引述一位受訪產業分析師的看法:「冠群在許多個技術領域打下深厚根基,也能夠將其豐富學識,轉化為高效可行的智財保護策略。」

In the 2018 edition of the IP Stars, Top Team is referred to as a “reliable, responsive and high-quality” firm. The editorial commentary also includes a market commentator’s feedback adding “Top Team International has in-depth knowledge about many different technological fields and is capable of transforming this knowledge into efficient and successful IP Strategies.” 

事務所的服務受肯定之外,本所所長洪澄文再次獲選為「專利之星」及「商標之星」;副所長吳珮琪獲選為「專利之星」及「全球 250位 最具影響力的女性智財人物」;此外本所資深專利師童敏昌也因其豐富經驗與紮實技術背景,獲得 IP Star 特別推薦。

Moreover, our founder and owner Henry Hong and executive senior legal counsel Julia Liu have been named the “Patent Star and Trademark star” since 2015. Our managing director Peggy Wu has been named the “Patent Star” and the “Top 250 Women in IP” since 2017, and executive senior tech manager Nick Tung is recommended for his experience and solid tech knowledge.  

Managing Intellectual Property 隸屬於歐洲最大財經法律媒體集團,雜誌社主辦的 IP Star 年鑑,自1996年起,透過廣泛的產業調查分析,評比出全球82個國家地區值得推薦的智慧財產權服務事務所與首選專家,固定於每年第二季公開年度評鑑結果。IP Star 與 Legal 500 及 Chambers and Partner 等國際媒體,所提供的評鑑紀錄,可說是大型及跨國企業挑選法律服務時的重要參考。

The IP stars has been ranking law firms and professionals based on extensive research since 1996 and now it is one of the leading specialist guide to IP law firms, practitioners and legal service buyers worldwide, covering 82 important jurisdictions and all 50 states plus the District of Columbia in the United States. 


Top Team Received “Band 1” Recognition from Chambers and Partners 

        Chambers and Partners Asia-Pacific(2019) 錢伯斯亞太法律服務指南

Chambers and Partners Global(2019) 錢伯斯全球法律服務指南

全球知名法律服務評鑑機構 Chambers and Partners 於 2018年11月 底發行的 2019 年度全球法律服務指南 (Chambers Global) 及亞太區指南 (Chambers Asia Pacific) ,其中「智慧財產:專利及商標事務所」台灣區評比,冠群名列 Band 1(首選),所長洪澄文、副所長吳珮琪則分別名列傑出從業代表 (Eminent Practitioner) 及 Band 1 首選專家。冠群自2012年參與 Chambers and Partners 評鑑調查以來,在專利申請業務領域,一直保持著台灣區領先地位。      

Top Team has been ranked “Band 1” in the practice area of “Intellectual Property: Patent & Trade Mark Agents in Taiwan” by Chambers Asia-Pacific since 2012, and by Chambers Global since 2018. Additionally, our founder and owner Henry Hong has been recognized as the “Eminent Practitioner” since 2015, as well as our managing director Peggy Wu, the “Band 1” lawyer since 2017.


In the ranking this year, a spotlight is placed on our cross-border patent prosecution and trademark work, particularly the notable experience representing Japanese and Taiwanese clients. Along with positive feedback from unnamed sources, an interviewee was quoted in the commentary: “They respond to us in a timely manner. Their patent work is always well prepared.” that opportunely reflects the quality of our service.

總部位於倫敦的 Chambers and Partners 集團,自1990年起提供全球範圍的法律事務所的業務評鑑,根據所蒐集的產業資料,彙整同業及客戶的回饋意見後,發表每年評鑑結果,其內容可說是國內外一流企業與機構選擇或諮詢法律服務時的重要依據。Chambers and Partners is a world-renowned legal publication. Its global guide and regional guide has been ranking, according to its survey results, law firm and lawyers since 1990. 

Chambers and Partners 2019 評鑑 冠群名列首選


Top Team Recognized by Legal 500 for 6 Straight Years

The Legal 500 Asia-Pacific(2019) 法律500強年度評鑑

著名英國《法律500強 (Legal500)》評鑑的2019年度評比出爐,再次將冠群列入「智財保護-專利申請」類台灣區 Tier 1 (最高等級)事務所,這是冠群 2013 年參與評鑑以來,連續 6年獲得最高肯定。另在台灣區「智財保護綜合類」評比,冠群也進榜位列 Tier 2。

Top Team has retained the “Tier 1 ” position in the “Intellectual Property – Prosecution, Taiwan” ranking for the 6th consecutive year since 2013; and our office has also been included in the “Intellectual Property” ranking for the first time, holding the “Tier 2” position. 

對於冠群總體表現,《法律500強》評論道:「… 代理國內外客戶,跨足多元專業領域,在製藥與醫療裝置的製造技術方面,其專利爭訟及非訴訟事務的處理實力雄厚,尤其聞名業界;且在日本擁有可觀客戶群…」,完整年度評鑑榜單請點選連結

According to The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2019, Top Team was recognized as acting “for local and international clients across a range of industries – with a notably a strong offering for pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers – on contentious and non-contentious intellectual property matters, and has a prominent Japanese client base.” Please visit the Legal 500 website for further details.

今年評鑑並推薦本所洪澄文所長及其團隊核心領導成員,包括專利部顏錦順副所長陳彩琪專利師童敏昌專利師,以及專利程序部吳珮琪副所長王美純資深經理。吳珮琪亦名列 Leading Individual (傑出人物)。

Legal 500 also named Henry Hong, the funding and managing partner, and the leadership team members of our firm, including patent specialists Jonathan Yen, Jessica Chen, and Nick Tung; administrative patent experts, Peggy WuandMei-Chun Wang. And it has named Peggy Wu the “Leading Individual” for the 2nd year in a row.