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疫情下專利申請在台灣:TSMC、ITRI、NCKU 持續領航

2020年台灣智慧財產局 (TIPO) 受理的專利申請案,較 2019年減少 3%,主要歸因於外國人申請減少逾 2000件,公告發證情況亦然。但國內發明專利申請案有小幅成長,來到 2014年以來最高水平,我國中小企業申請量年增 17% 、大專院校年成長16%尤為可觀。

Taiwan saw a slight (3%) reduction in patent applications in 2020. That was mainly caused by a significant decrease of  non-residents’ applications, 2000 plus cases less than the previous year. Applications filed by residents also dropped by 1%; but the case number for inventions still grew to the highest level since 2014.  Among local applicants, SMEs and universities made an impressive 17% and 16% annual growth in patent filings.

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本期資訊包括:2020TIPO年報:商標趨勢統整;《商審法》7/1新制上路 智財與商業法院將合併;企業因應遠端辦公的營業秘密保護 智慧局教戰手冊2.0;打擊仿冒 線上鑑仿平臺8/1啟動。

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