印度簡化 PCT 優先權文件及譯本規定

根據2019年對印度專利細則的修改,印度商工部 (The Ministry of Commerce and Industry) 公告 2020年10月生效的《專利施行細則》(The Patents Rules, 2003)修正案,除了調整專利的商業實施申報規定,也配合PCT的相關規定,放寬了優先權證明文件 (Filing of priority document) 的提交規定。

藉由 PCT(專利合作條約 Patent Cooperation Treaty)途徑進入印度申請專利的申請案,修改為符合《PCT施行細則 (Regulation under the Patent Cooperation Treaty)》第17.1條 (b)之二的規定,若在申請專利的國際公開日前,國際局能透過WIPO 電子資料庫交換取得優先權案文件,則申請人可以不用再提交優先權文件文本。

Rule 17.1 (b-bis) Where the priority document is, in accordance with the Administrative Instructions, made available to the International Bureau from a digital library prior to the date of international publication of the international application, the applicant may, instead of submitting the priority document, request the International Bureau, prior to the date of international publication, to obtain the priority document from such digital library.

而以往,印度申請案,若優先權案文本並非英文時,申請人需先提交優先權文件的全文譯本。而印度細則根據《PCT施行細則》第51之2.1條e段規定修改後,只有在需要確認優先權案內容是否可以支持申請案的可專利性時(when the validity of the priority claim is relevant to determination of patentability)、或是國際申請日有錯誤要更正時(when errors in the international filing date have been corrected ),才需要依照印度審委要求,提交經過認證且與優先權案原文對應的英譯本。



(1) 對於指定印度的國際申請案,申請人若尚未遵循《PCT施行細則》第17.1條(a)、(b) 或(b之二)的規定,在不違反第20條第4項期限規定的情況下,申請人應向專利局提交該條文規定的優先權文件。

“(1) Where the applicant in respect of an international application designating India has not complied with the requirements of paragraphs (a), (b) or (b-bis) of rule 17.1 of the regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and subject to paragraph (d) of the said rule 17.1 of regulations under the Treaty, the applicant shall file the priority document referred to in that rule before the expiration of the time limit referred to in sub-rule (4) of rule 20 in the Patent Office.

(2) 對於《PCT施行細則》51之2條e段所規範的情況,申請人或其授權人應該在《細則》第20條第4項期限內,繳交經認證的英文譯本;

(2) Where sub-paragraph (i) or sub-paragraph (ii) of paragraph (e) of rule 51bis.1 of the regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty is applicable, an English translation thereof duly verified by the applicant or the person duly authorised by him shall be filed within the time limit specified in sub-rule (4) of rule 20.

(3) 若申請人不符合前兩項規定,則專利局得通知申請人於三個月內,提交優先權文件或譯本。若申請人未能及時提交,則申請人之優先權視為未主張。

(3) Where the applicant does not comply with the requirements of sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), the Patent Office shall invite the applicant to file the priority document or the translation thereof, as the case may be, within three months from the date of such invitation, and if the applicant fails to do so, the claim of the applicant for the priority shall be disregarded for the purposes of the Act.”

