Legal 500 2021 法律500強評鑑:冠群保持業界最高等級


TOPTEAM Keeps Tier 1 Ranking in Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021

English Version

英國著名 Legal 500 《法律500強》評鑑的亞太區 (Asia Pacific 2021) 年度評比出爐,冠群保持「智財保護-專利申請」類台灣區 Tier 1 (最高等級)事務所的紀錄,這是冠群 2013 年參與評鑑以來,連續 8 年獲得最高肯定。另在台灣區「智財保護綜合類」評比方面,冠群亦取得 Tier 2 評等的佳績 。

In the newly released 2021 edition of the Legal 500 Asia Pacific guide, TOPTEAM has kept its “Tier 1 ” record in the “Intellectual Property – Prosecution, Taiwan” category. Our firm has held the top tier ranking for the 8th consecutive year since 2013. TOPTEAM is also included in the “Intellectual Property” ranking for the 2nd time, holding the “Tier 2” position. 

對於本所整體表現,《法律500強》著墨冠群的跨國專利申請服務 — 在高科技業的專業表現,尤其是半導體、製藥、能源、化學、軟體及 IT 等產業的服務。個別專家評鑑方面,Legal 500 今年持續推薦本所洪澄文所長及其團隊核心領導成員,包括專利部顏錦順副所長陳彩琪資深經理童敏昌資深經理,專利程序部吳珮琪副所長王美純資深經理,法務部與商標部翁林瑋首席律師。其中,吳珮琪亦名列年度傑出人物 (Leading Individual)。

The guide placed a  spotlight on the firm’s patent drafting and international patent prosecution performance supporting clients in high-tech industries, including pharmaceuticals, energy, chemicals, and software and IT.  Legal 500 recommends our president Henry Hong and senior managers, including managing director Jonathan Yen and Peggy Wu, Senior Tech Manager Jessica Chen and Nick Tung, Senior Executive Manager Mei-Chun Wang and Principle Attorney at Law Lydia Wong. The guide as well recognizes Peggy Wu as the Leading Individual of the year. She has earned the title for the 3rd year in a row.

Legal 500 自1987年起投入法律事務所的評鑑工作,目前涵蓋超過150個國家 / 地區。該機構以完備且持續調整的市場研究方案、以及一系列足以鑑別服務水準的評比標準,彙整分析所取得的產業資訊–包括全球各地30萬筆客戶回饋意見、事務所提供資料、同業訪談等內容。因而,每年發布的事務所及專家的評鑑結果,能夠提供有法律服務需求的企業機構與個人,極有價值的參考材料。

The Legal 500 assesses the strengths and capabilities of law firms in over 150 jurisdictions, with a comprehensive research program refined every year.  It compiles its yearly rankings through a series of criteria, able to highlight whether and how a team provides clients the most cutting edge and innovative legal services. The ranking research is based on feedback from 300,000 clients worldwide, submissions from law firms and interviews with leading private practice lawyers, and a team of researchers who have unrivaled experience in the legal market.

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