冠群歡慶 35 周年


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本次發表的冠群新形象網站,除了介紹本所歷史沿革、經營理念與團隊核心成員,並也以全新的形象展現冠群特色與未來視野。新官網將與提供IP新知與動態的 IP Blog 一起提供更廣泛的服務,歡迎舊雨新知各界好友多多光臨指教!


TOPTEAM’s 35 Anniversary:Lasting Commitment with a Refreshed Brand Identity

As we all face many challenges under the situation of the pandemic, we at TOPTEAM have celebrated our 35th anniversary.

Following the vigorous support received from our clients and partners, our firm has been flourishing and overcoming more obstacles than we ever could have imagined. We have now achieved that significant milestone of 35 years in business.

We would like to take this exceptional occasion to unveil our refreshed brand identity, complete with a new logo and redesigned official site, as we reflect and deliberate on our next move and future course.

The newly released identity gives a fair representation of TOPTEAM as a company that pursues sustainable development globally while staying firmly rooted in our homeland, Taiwan.

We will continue to working closely with clients and partners, and sticking to our service philosophy, “Explore the future blueprint together in all sincerity.” The brand identity also shows how our values set us apart from others. It also provides an insight into our visions for the future.

As for the new website, it features the history, service philosophy, leadership, and core team members of our firm. The website together with our IP Blog will provide information services on a bigger and more wide-reaching level from now on. Your visit and feedback are always welcome, and we hope you will find it interesting.

For the journey ahead, we will keep motivating ourselves to be the most powerful support of business developments and IP protectors that TOPTEAM’s clients and partners can rely on!




当所は、この大切な節目となる35周年にあたり、未来に向けて進化し続ける IP ファームでありたいと考え、すでに定着したイメージを刷新すべくロゴとウェブサイトをリニューアルし、台湾発のグローバル展開を目指します。もちろん初心は忘れず、国内外のクライアント及び知財事務所の皆様の最良のパートナーとして最高のサービスを提供し、“誠心誠意で未来を共創する”という経営理念の実践に、変わらず尽力していく所存です。


